About our company
WV Construction is a Namibian company which has developed Light Weight Steel (LWS) building technology and construction applications in Namibia and Angola. The mission of WV Construction is to offer a cost effective and efficient construction solution to provide the Namibian people with high quality housing in the low cost, medium income and high income sectors.
WV Construction also specialises in providing various construction solutions, both to government institutions and the private sector. WV Construction is proud to be involved in the uplifting and improving of educational, medical and governmental facilities. These include hospitals, clinics, schools and community centres.
The WV Construction factory is capable of cold forming all the steel components required to construct the insulated wall panels, roof trusses, purlins and brandering required to construct different house designs. We are a wholly owned Namibian company and promote equal employment opportunities to Namibian nationals.
WV Construction is a proud member of NMA ( Namibia Manufacturing Association) and Team Namibia.
Since its inception during the second half of 2013, the company has undertaken and completed various construction projects throughout Namibia.